Feb 16, 2018


Fuel economy is a great buzzword these days – we’re all looking to get the most bang for our buck when it comes to filling up our tanks, but sometimes it can seem like we’re filling up more often than we’d like. That’s where this blog comes in! We’ve got some great proven tips for improving your fuel economy easily and getting a few more miles to the gallon as you drive around town!

The first and most important tip is to not speed. A great way to combat any lead-footed tendencies is to use cruise control on the highway when it’s safe to do so. This gets rid of the acceleration and deceleration that come with speeding, and also keeps you safe from getting pulled over (speeding is, after all, illegal). Lower speeds = higher MPG’s!

Maintaining your vehicle is instrumental in getting good gas mileage. With properly inflated tires, correct alignment, and regular oil changes, your vehicle will perform beautifully and efficiently! Low tires create drag, which makes your vehicle work harder to perform the way it should. Next time you need to get new tires, you should ask for low rolling resistance tires to help your vehicle that much more. Winter tires are a great idea for areas where there’s snow accumulation, because your engine won’t have to work so hard to overcome snow and ice.

When going out and running errands or traveling, try carpooling and combining all your trips into one journey. This will save gas, cut down emissions, and save money for everyone! If you need to stop, turn your car off completely. Idling for one minute uses just about as much gas as starting your car does, and it creates exhaust gases that are harmful to the environment. (And when you carpool, you can use the HOV lane!)

When summer comes, park in the shade and use your garage if you have it. When your vehicle is out in the sun, it damages your paint and clearcoat, and it causes your gas to evaporate inside your tank, leaving you with less to drive with.

Finally, clean out your car! If you have a lot of junk in the trunk, so to speak, clean it out so that you can carry what you need in your vehicle. If you have roof mounted storage, try and fit those items into your vehicle – or switch to a rear-mounted storage solution. This will reduce the drag of your vehicle overall and save you gas!


We can’t guarantee a massive improvement in your MPG’s – these tips won’t get you from 20 to 70 MPG but it will help get a couple more miles out of each gallon if you work hard. Try them out!