Jun 14, 2018


It’s that time again – car washing time. Your baby needs some TLC and maybe you don’t want to wait in line at the car wash or perhaps you want to save a little bit of cash. Either way – we’ve been there too. This week we have dedicated our blog to a DIY car wash AT HOME. That’s right, you don’t even have to leave your driveway or even change out of those pajama pants! Shall we start washing now?

First, you will need a few things.

  • Car washing soap (not liquid detergent, dish cleaner, or hand soap from your house)
  • Washing mitt (a clean one!)
  • Microfiber towels (a couple of them, approx. 5 at most)
  • Bucket
  • Source of water
  • Tire/ wheel cleaner

Let’s get started! Fill your bucket with what and your car soap, pour the soap in after the water and swirl around creating those sudsy bubbles. Before rinsing down your vehicle, clean your wheels and tires first with the cleaner you have. Cleaning these first will allow you to rinse off any residue from the cleaner if it happens to end up on your vehicle. Once this is complete, rinse your vehicle entirely and make sure to rid it of any loose dirt, pollen, or grimy substances that have built up.

Grab your washing mitt, dunk it in the bucket, and start scrubbing! Make a few passes over your vehicle with the mitt and dunk it back into the bucket for more soap. Pay attention to the water in the bucket and if it becomes murky or dirty, dump it out and start with a fresh clean bucket of water and soap. After sudsing up your ride, take your hose and rinse your vehicle from top to bottom. Continue this step until you have made your way around the vehicle fully.

By now, your vehicle should be sparkly clean and ready to be dried. Park your vehicle in a shaded area to avoid those pesky water spots from the vehicle drying in the sun. Take your microfiber towels and begin removing any excess water that is on your vehicle. Make your way around the vehicle, like you did with the soap. Don’t forget to dry off places like door jams, the inside of your trunk, and places where water can seep into during the wash.

And, voila! There you have it, a clean ride that will have your ride sparkling like new!